Of all the issues you may expect your business to face, an employee watching porn in the workplace is unlikely to make your top 10, but it can happen. So, here’s three preventative steps you can take and how to tackle it if it does occur.
Unsure what to do if an employee is suspected of watching pornography in the workplace? This will usually involve starting with an investigation to establish the facts and if there is sufficient evidence following a full and fair disciplinary process to address the matter. In outline, a disciplinary process will involve:
You can find further information about dealing with investigations and gross misconduct in our previous blogs.
Remember, you should always seek advice on the facts of your situation before taking action. Employee under two years’ service? You may be able to deal with the matter without following the usual disciplinary process but it’s important to contact us before doing so to identify whether there are any risks in your particular situation.
We are here to help so please get in touch if you have an employment law issue.