Privacy Policy

Kingfisher Professional Services is obligated to protect your privacy and ensure your personal data is collected and used lawfully and transparently.

When we deliver professional services such as employment law advice, health and safety services and legal representation, we are the Data Controller of the personal data that you supply to us under your contract with us.

We may update this policy from time to time by publishing a new version on our website. You should check this page occasionally to ensure you are happy with any changes to this policy.

We may notify you of changes to this policy by email.

This Privacy Policy explains:
• Who we are
• Personal data we collect
• Our legal basis for processing
• Who we may share information with and why
• Where we may transfer data to
• How we keep information secure
• How long we may keep your data for
• Your data privacy rights
• How to contact our DPO and the ICO

Who is Kingfisher Professional Services?
Kingfisher Professional Services specialise in helping organisations with employment law advice and health and safety services.

We are a company with integrity, empathy, and team focus, employing professional people, and providing expert solutions, in the best interests of clients. We take responsibilities regarding data protection very seriously when providing our services. We are bound by all applicable data protection laws in respect of the handling, processing, and collection of your data.

All employees who handle personal and business data are fully trained to ensure that the data is processed in line with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018 (GDPR) as well as The Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018).

Personal data we collect
The type and frequency of any personal data collected will always depend on how our website and services are used. If you do not wish to provide us with certain categories of personal data, you may not be able to use our services in their entirety.

Personal Data provided to us
We use electronic contact forms across our website. These forms will send your information to our sales team who will input your data into 3rd party programme systems to help us generate quotes, provide newsletter updates, or respond to enquiries.

The 3rd party services we use are:
• CMS System

Personal Data collected by us
Where you ask us to provide services, we may be required to process additional categories of personal data relating to you or other parties to ensure the provision of informed legal advice.

We may also collect additional data from you as part of our recruitment process, during your employment or when you visit our offices via a signing-in book. We may also ask you to verify your identity in limited circumstances by providing valid photographic identification. We sometimes record our telephone conversations with clients for quality and training purposes.

We may process any of your personal data identified in this policy where necessary for the purposes of obtaining or maintaining insurance coverage, managing risks, or obtaining professional advice. The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interests, namely the proper protection of our business against risks.

In addition to the specific purposes for which we may process your personal data, we may also process any of your personal data where such processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject, or to protect your vital interests or the vital interests of another natural person.

Personal Data from other sources
We may receive information about you and/or your company from third parties, including business partners, sub-contractors, advertising networks, analytics providers, hosting providers and search information providers. Kingfisher Professional Services also receives referrals from clients and purchases marketing lists from external companies.

Special Categories of Data
There may be instances where we need to process Special Category Data provided by you or other users of our services during the lifetime of our service. Special category data is a more sensitive type of data which reveals insights about a person’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, health data, sex life, or sexual orientation.

We may also process data that relates to criminal and/or civil offences as well as child data in some very limited circumstances, usually in connection with Legal advice or Employee Assistance programs. Sensitive data collection will only take place where it is applicable to the provision of the services that we are contracted to provide. The fundamental rights of the data subjects are always assessed to ensure that the processing is fair, transparent, and lawful.

Online Identifiers
When you visit our website, we use cookie technology to record your device’s IP address. You stay anonymous but we process your IP to determine website and page visitors. For more information on how we use online identifiers or cookies please visit our cookies policy.

Our legal basis for processing
In this Section we have set out the:
(a) general categories of personal data that we may process
(b) purposes for which we may process personal data
(c) legal bases of the processing

We may process data about your use of our website and services (“usage data”). The usage data may include your IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, operating system, referral source, length of visit, page views and website navigation paths, as well as information about the timing, frequency, and pattern of your service use.

The source of the usage data is our analytics tracking system. This usage data may be processed to analyse the use of the website and services. The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interests, namely monitoring and improving our website and services.

We may process your account data (“account data”). The account data may include your name and email address. The source of the account data is you or your employer.

The account data may be processed to operate our website, providing our services, ensuring the security of our website and services, maintaining back-ups of our databases, and communicating with you. The legal basis for this processing is the performance of a contract between you and us and/or taking steps, at your request, to enter such a contract.

We may process your information (“profile data”). The profile data may include your name, address, telephone number, email address and employment details. The profile data may be processed for the purposes of enabling and monitoring your use of our website and services. The legal basis for this processing is consent.

We may process information contained in any enquiry you submit to us regarding services (“enquiry data”). The enquiry data may be processed for offering, marketing, and selling relevant services to you. The legal basis for this processing is consent.

We may process information that you provide to us to subscribe to our email notifications and/or newsletters (“notification data”). The notification data may be processed to send you the relevant notifications and/or newsletters. The legal basis for this processing is the performance of a contract between you and us and/or taking steps, at your request, to enter such a contract.

We may process any of your data identified in this policy where necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims, whether in court proceedings or an administrative or out-of-court procedure. The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interests, namely the protection and assertion of our legal rights, our legal rights, and the legal rights of others.

We may process any of your personal data identified in this policy where necessary for the purposes of obtaining or maintaining insurance coverage, managing risks, or obtaining professional advice. The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interests, namely the proper protection of our business against risks.

In addition to the specific purposes for which we may process your personal data, we may also process any of your personal data where such processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject, or to protect your vital interests or the vital interests of another natural person.

Please do not supply any other person’s personal data to us unless we prompt you to do so.

Data Sharing
We may disclose your personal data to our insurers and/or professional advisers insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes of obtaining or maintaining insurance coverage, managing risks, obtaining professional advice, or the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims, whether in court proceedings or in an administrative or out-of-court procedure.

We may disclose your company data in relation to the service we are supplying you with to our suppliers Razor Blue as reasonably necessary in the event of an IT failure.

In addition to the specific disclosures of personal data, we may disclose your personal data where such disclosure is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject, or to protect your vital interests or the vital interests of another natural person. We may also disclose your personal data where such disclosure is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims, whether in court proceedings or in an administrative or out-of-court procedure.

Data Storage and Security
We take appropriate technical and organisational precautions to secure your personal data and to prevent the loss, misuse, or alteration of your personal data.

We store our client information on a secure server.

Data Retention
Personal data that we process for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes.

We will only retain your personal data as follows:
(a) personal data category or categories will be retained for a maximum period of 7 years.

Notwithstanding the other provisions of this section, we may retain your personal data where such retention is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject, or to protect your vital interests or the vital interests of another natural person.

Your Rights
Below, we have summarised the rights that you have under data protection law. Some of the rights are complex, and not all the details have been included in our summaries. Accordingly, you should read the relevant laws and guidance from the regulatory authorities for a full explanation of these rights.

Your principal rights under data protection law are:
(a) the right to access
(b) the right to rectification
(c) the right to erasure
(d) the right to restrict processing
(e) the right to object to processing
(f) the right to data portability
(g) the right to complain to a supervisory authority; and
(h) the right to withdraw consent.

You have the right to confirmation as to whether we process your personal data and, where we do, access to the personal data, together with certain additional information.

That additional information includes details of the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data concerned and the recipients of the personal data.

Providing the rights and freedoms of others are not affected, we will supply to you a copy of your personal data.

You have the right to have any inaccurate personal data about you rectified and, considering the purposes of the processing, to have any incomplete personal data about you completed.

In some circumstances, you have the right to the erasure of your personal data without undue delay. Those circumstances include: the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed; you withdraw consent to consent-based processing; you object to the processing under certain rules of applicable data protection law; the processing is for direct marketing purposes; and the personal data have been unlawfully processed.

However, there are exclusions of the right to erasure. The general exclusions include where processing is necessary: for exercising the right of freedom of expression and information; for compliance with a legal obligation; or for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims.

In some circumstances you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data. Those circumstances are:
• You contest the accuracy of the personal data; processing is unlawful, but you oppose erasure
• We no longer need the personal data for the purposes of our processing, but you require personal data for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims
• You have objected to processing, pending the verification of that objection.

Where processing has been restricted on this basis, we may continue to store your personal data.

However, we will only otherwise process it: with your consent; for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims; for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person; or for reasons of important public interest.

You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data on grounds relating to your situation, but only to the extent that the legal basis for the processing is that the processing is necessary for:
• The performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of any official authority vested in us
• the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party.

If you make such an objection, we will cease to process the personal information unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing is for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims.

You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes (including profiling for direct marketing purposes). If you make such an objection, we will cease to process your personal data for this purpose.

You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data for scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes on grounds relating to your situation, unless the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out for reasons of public interest.

To the extent that the legal basis for our processing of your personal data is:
(a) Consent
(b) The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are party to take steps at your request prior to entering a contract

Such processing is carried out by automated means, you have the right to receive your personal data from us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format. However, this right does not apply where it would adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.

If you consider that our processing of your personal information infringes data protection laws, you have a legal right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority responsible for data protection.

To the extent that the legal basis for our processing of your personal information is consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. Withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of processing before the withdrawal.

You may exercise any of your rights in relation to your personal data by written notice to us:

Data Protection
Kingfisher Professional Services Ltd
Kingfisher House,
19 Abbeyfield Road,

Queries and Complaints
You can approach Kingfisher Professional Services Ltd dedicated representative for any questions, comments, and requests regarding this privacy policy.

You can write to us at:

Data Protection
Kingfisher Professional Services Ltd
Kingfisher House,
19 Abbeyfield Road,


Unsatisfied with our response, or believe we’re not processing your personal data in accordance with the law?

You can approach the UK regulator for further guidance at