(Home) Working in a Winter Wonderland

Published 13th December 2021

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With many employees back to temporarily working from home again, one of the things managers are likely to be thinking about is how to keep employees motivated and engaged during this period. So, what are a few of the things you may wish to consider?

Good communication and regular check-ins

Changes, such as the need to work from home, can be unsettling for employees and even those who have done it before may need some support to re-adjust. Clear communication can help to keep employees on track and regular check-ins with managers can provide an opportunity for any issues or concerns to be identified and addressed early.

Clear expectations

Ensuring employees are aware of what is expected of them whilst working from home can help them to stay focussed. In terms of settings targets, remember that these should be reasonable and appropriate. Having a clear goal to aim for, being able to see progress and being aware of the contribution they make to the organisation can all help employees to stay motivated and engaged during the working from home period.

Remember, there are rules around employee working hours, rest and breaks and these still apply to employees who are working from home. Managers may wish to consider reminding employees about the need to take the break(s) they are entitled to e.g. their lunchbreak, to help employees to get into good habits early on whilst home-working.

Help colleagues to stay connected

For some employees, regular interaction with colleagues may be one of the things they will miss the most whilst working from home. As workplace relationships and team morale are important contributors to motivation and engagement employers may wish to consider ways of helping employees to stay connected. If appropriate, you may wish to allow some time for colleagues to chat together before or after an online team meeting, permitting employees to have virtual tea breaks / lunches together over videoconferencing platforms or (if there is still an appetite for it this time round), arranging the occasional fun group activity online.

If you have an employment law matter you would like assistance with, please do not hesitate to contact Kingfisher Professional Services Ltd as we are happy to help.


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