How Employers Can Prevent Workplace Harassment

Published 17th October 2023

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Workplace harassment is a critical issue that employers must address to maintain a healthy and productive work environment. Creating a culture of respect and inclusivity is not just a moral imperative but also essential for legal compliance and business success. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore effective strategies for employers to prevent workplace harassment and foster a safe and respectful workplace.

Understanding Workplace Harassment

Before we delve into comprehensive prevention strategies, let’s establish a precise understanding of workplace harassment. Workplace harassment encompasses a spectrum of unwelcome or offensive behaviours, comments, or actions directed at an individual due to their protected characteristics. These protected characteristics encompass attributes like race, gender, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, or nationality.

Harassment takes on multiple forms, each equally detrimental to both the victim and the workplace environment. Common forms include:

  1. Verbal Harassment: This includes offensive comments, derogatory slurs, insults, or jokes that target an individual’s protected characteristics. Verbal harassment can create a hostile atmosphere, making victims feel unsafe and unwelcome.
  2. Physical Harassment: Physical harassment involves unwarranted physical contact, gestures, or actions that threaten or intimidate an individual based on their protected characteristics. This type of harassment can have both physical and psychological repercussions.
  3. Written Harassment: Written harassment encompasses offensive messages, emails, notes, or other written communications that attack an individual’s protected characteristics. The written form of harassment leaves a lasting record and can be used as evidence in legal proceedings.
  4. Visual Harassment: Visual harassment involves displaying offensive images, symbols, or materials that relate to an individual’s protected characteristics. Such materials can create a hostile work environment and cause emotional distress.
  5. Exclusion or Isolation: Harassment isn’t limited to overt actions or comments; it can also involve excluding or isolating an individual based on their protected characteristics. This exclusion can lead to feelings of isolation and discrimination.

Creating an Effective Anti-Harassment Policy

In today’s corporate landscape, a robust anti-harassment policy is a cornerstone of fostering a respectful workplace. Employers, here’s your roadmap to building a strong anti-harassment policy:

  1. Emphasise the Necessity: Let’s not mince words; an anti-harassment policy is non-negotiable. It’s your duty to establish a clear, comprehensive policy that leaves no room for ambiguity.
  2. Define Unacceptable Behaviours: Be crystal clear about what constitutes unacceptable behaviour. No one should second-guess what’s inappropriate; it should be explicit in your policy.
  3. Provide Concrete Examples: Don’t rely on vague terms; give real-world examples of unacceptable conduct. This ensures that everyone understands the expectations.
  4. Communication is Key: Don’t just create the policy and let it gather dust. Regularly remind your employees about it. This isn’t a suggestion; it’s a necessity. Your employees should know that you take this seriously.

Remember, a strong anti-harassment policy isn’t just about compliance; it’s about creating a safe, respectful, and productive workplace. It’s your commitment to ensuring that every employee can work without fear of harassment.

The Role of Employers in Prevention

Employers play a crucial role in preventing workplace harassment. Creating and maintaining a harassment-free workplace requires a proactive and sustained effort. Here are key steps employers can take:

Effective Prevention Strategies

To prevent workplace harassment, employers should establish a comprehensive anti-harassment policy that clearly defines unacceptable behaviours and provides examples. 

This policy should be communicated to all employees through orientations, training sessions, and regular reminders, ensuring everyone is aware of the organisation’s commitment to a harassment-free environment. Encourage employees to report harassment promptly and provide multiple reporting channels, allowing them to raise concerns without fear of retaliation.

Comprehensive Anti-Harassment Training

To further bolster prevention efforts, it’s crucial to provide anti-harassment training for all employees, including supervisors and managers. This training should be conducted regularly and cover essential aspects such as what constitutes harassment, how to report it, and the consequences for engaging in such behaviour. 

Keeping records of training sessions and participation ensures that everyone receives the necessary education to maintain a harassment-free workplace environment.

Leading with a Culture of Respect

Fostering a workplace free from harassment begins with leadership setting the example. Employers should actively promote a culture of respect and inclusivity that permeates from the highest ranks down to every employee. Encouraging open communication and active listening among all team members establishes an environment where concerns can be raised and addressed. It’s crucial to hold leaders accountable for their behaviour and ensure they adhere to the anti-harassment policy, emphasising that no one is exempt from these essential workplace standards.

Responding to Complaints and Supporting Victims

In the realm of workplace harassment prevention, your role as an employer doesn’t end with policy creation; it extends to swift and supportive actions:

No Room for Delay: When a complaint surfaces, there’s no room for procrastination. Act promptly, regardless of the complaint’s nature. Every allegation deserves your immediate attention.

Impartial Investigations: Ensure your investigations are thorough and impartial. Approach each case without bias, treating every party involved with respect and fairness.

Transparent Reporting and Resolution: Transparency is non-negotiable. Establish a clear process for reporting and resolving harassment complaints. Keep it confidential, and provide regular updates to complainants about the status of their cases and the outcomes.

Confidentiality is Key: Confidentiality isn’t a nicety; it’s an obligation. Protect the privacy of all parties involved in the complaint. This creates a safe environment for reporting without fear of retaliation.


Preventing workplace harassment is a shared responsibility between employers and employees. Employers must take proactive steps to create a safe and respectful workplace environment through clear policies, training, and responsive actions. 

By prioritising the prevention of harassment, employers can not only avoid legal and financial repercussions but also foster a workplace culture of respect, inclusivity, and success. If you are looking for support & guidance concerning how to prevent workplace harassment and would like to speak with a member of our expert professional team, please give us a call at 0333 996 0666.


What are the legal consequences of workplace harassment for employers?

Workplace harassment can result in significant legal consequences for employers, including employment tribunals, costly uncapped employee awards and damage to reputation. Employers can be held liable for harassment that occurs within their organisations if they fail to take reasonable steps to prevent or address it.

Is anti-harassment training mandatory for employers?

While anti-harassment training may not be mandatory, it is strongly recommended and often required by law in many places. Training helps employers demonstrate their commitment to preventing harassment and can be a valuable defence in legal disputes.

Can an employer be held liable for harassment by employees?

Yes, employers can be held liable for harassment by their employees if they do not take appropriate measures to prevent or address it. Employers bear the responsibility of establishing a workplace that is safe and devoid of harassment.

How should employers handle false harassment allegations?

Employers should treat all harassment complaints seriously, whether they ultimately prove to be true or false. Thorough and impartial investigations should be conducted to determine the validity of the allegations. However, knowingly false allegations made with malicious intent should be addressed through appropriate disciplinary actions.

What are the benefits of preventing workplace harassment?

Preventing workplace harassment has several benefits, including a more positive work environment, increased employee morale and productivity, reduced turnover, and legal compliance. Employers who prioritise preventing harassment also enhance their reputation as responsible and ethical organisations.