How to manage Anxiety and Depression in the Workplace

Published 31st March 2022

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In today’s fast-paced corporate world, the issue of mental health in the workplace is a growing concern. Anxiety and depression can impact not only the affected employees but also the overall productivity and success of an organisation. 

Employers have a vital role to play in addressing and managing these mental health challenges within their workforce. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore practical strategies and approaches for employers to effectively manage anxiety and depression in the workplace.

Understanding the Impacts

Recognising the Prevalence

Before delving into strategies, it’s essential to acknowledge the prevalence of anxiety and depression in the workplace. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), depression and anxiety disorders cost the global economy one trillion dollars (around £823 billion) in lost productivity each year. The numbers are staggering, emphasising the urgency of addressing this issue head-on.

The Human Cost

Beyond the financial impact, the human cost of untreated mental health issues is immeasurable. Employees suffering from anxiety and depression often experience reduced quality of life, decreased job satisfaction, and strained personal relationships. These challenges can spill over into their work lives, affecting their performance and overall well-being.

Impact of Depression and Anxiety on Employee Performance and Attendance

Depression and anxiety can significantly influence an employee’s performance, conduct, and attendance, posing challenges for employers. These mental health conditions may manifest as:

  • Decreased Productivity: Employees experiencing depression or anxiety often find it challenging to concentrate and complete tasks efficiently. This can result in decreased productivity and quality of work.
  • Absenteeism: Mental health struggles may lead to increased absenteeism. Employees may require time off for therapy, medical appointments, or simply to manage their symptoms.
  • Presenteeism: Some employees continue to work despite their mental health issues, known as presenteeism. However, their reduced focus and motivation can lead to errors, decreased morale among colleagues, and further declines in performance.
  • Behavioural Issues: Anxiety and depression can sometimes manifest as behavioural problems, such as irritability, mood swings, or conflict with coworkers.

Recognising these potential impacts and addressing them proactively can help employers support employees with depression and anxiety, ultimately benefitting both the individual and the organisation.

Creating a Supportive Environment

Effectively managing anxiety and depression at work requires a supportive environment. Here’s how:

  • Promote Open Communication: Encourage employees to openly discuss their mental health concerns. Create a stigma-free space where they can seek help comfortably.
  • Training and Awareness: Invest in training to raise awareness of mental health issues among all employees. This fosters empathy and reduces stigma, enabling better support from colleagues and leaders.
  • Flexible Work Arrangements: Offer flexible options like remote work or adjusted hours to accommodate employees dealing with anxiety and depression. These arrangements reduce stress and enhance work-life balance, supporting mental health.
  • Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): Implement EAPs offering confidential counseling services. They provide a safe platform for employees to address mental health challenges, seek guidance, and find support.
  • Inclusivity in Benefits Ensure that your company’s benefits package includes mental health coverage. This sends a powerful message to employees that their well-being matters. Access to mental health services should be as straightforward as accessing physical health services.

Recognising Depression and Anxiety as Disabilities

Depression and anxiety can indeed be considered disabilities under certain circumstances, particularly when they substantially limit an individual’s ability to perform essential job functions. For employers, understanding this aspect is crucial, as it entails specific legal responsibilities.

In many countries, including the United Kingdom, anti-discrimination laws like the Equality Act recognise mental health conditions as disabilities if they significantly impact an individual’s daily life, including their ability to work. Employers must reasonably accommodate affected employees, which might involve adjustments to job roles, flexible work schedules, or providing mental health support services.

It’s essential for organisations to stay informed about local legislation regarding mental health conditions in the workplace to ensure compliance. By recognising depression and anxiety as potential disabilities and taking proactive steps to support affected employees, businesses can foster a more inclusive and productive work environment while complying with legal requirements.

Obligation to Make Reasonable Adjustments for Employees with Disabilities

Employers hold a legal responsibility to implement reasonable adjustments when an employee with a disability faces a disadvantage due to organisational practices, lack of support aids, or physical features of the workplace. The nature of these adjustments depends on the individual circumstances of the employee. In a legal case, an employer was found to have neglected reasonable adjustments for an employee with anxiety by refusing to reschedule a disciplinary hearing.

Employers sometimes face challenges when an employee, is absent due to mental health issues and doesn’t adhere to the standard absence reporting process. While this can be frustrating, it’s crucial to approach such situations with sensitivity. Disciplinary actions might not be appropriate, and employers should consider reasonable adjustments. For tailored advice based on your circumstances, feel free to reach out to us.

Providing Resources and Guidance

  1. Access to Mental Health Services: Ensure employees have access to quality mental health services, including partnerships with professionals, on-site counselling, or referrals. Timely access to treatment improves outcomes.
  2. Promote Self-Care: Educate employees on self-care’s importance, like exercise and stress management. Consider wellness programs to support these efforts. Self-care helps manage anxiety and depression symptoms.
  3. Stress Reduction Workshops: Offer stress reduction and coping strategy workshops. Empower employees with tools for effective mental health management, covering mindfulness, time management, and resilience.
  4. Clear Policies and Procedures: Develop transparent mental health policies, outlining assistance procedures, confidentiality, and employee rights. Clear expectations help employees seek help confidently.

Managerial Training

Provide managers with training to recognise signs of anxiety and depression in team members. Emphasise empathetic and supportive leadership skills. Managers are pivotal in fostering a positive work environment.

Regular Check-Ins:

Promote routine check-ins between managers and team members to address work-related stress and encourage open communication. These discussions aid in early issue detection and support provision.


Ensure managers grasp legal requirements and best practices for accommodating employees with mental health conditions, including workload adjustments. Encourage proactive accommodation offers.

Employee Feedback:

Establish feedback mechanisms for employees to improve the workplace. Regular surveys and focus groups are valuable for gathering input and enhancing your approach continually.


In conclusion, effectively managing anxiety and depression in the workplace is both a moral obligation and a strategic advantage. Employers who prioritise employee mental health will enjoy a more engaged, productive, and resilient workforce. To achieve this, create a supportive environment, offer resources, train managers, and monitor progress. Remember, it’s an ongoing journey requiring adaptability. Mental health is an investment in employees and future success. In a changing corporate landscape, your commitment to employee well-being remains vital. Keep innovating in support of mental health, adapt to new challenges, and prioritise your most valuable asset—your employees’ health and happiness.

For more help and advice, speak with a member of our expert team on 0333 996 0666 or head to our website to learn more. If you would like to read more of our blogs, click here.


Can addressing mental health in the workplace be costly?

Addressing mental health can involve initial expenses, such as training and implementing programs. However, the long-term benefits, including improved productivity, reduced absenteeism, and enhanced company reputation, often far outweigh the costs. Moreover, investing in mental health initiatives can lead to decreased turnover rates and greater employee loyalty, resulting in significant cost savings over time.

How can I ensure employee privacy and confidentiality when dealing with mental health issues?

By implementing clear policies and procedures, providing access to confidential resources like EAPs, and training managers on handling sensitive information, you can maintain employee privacy and confidentiality while offering support. Furthermore, it’s crucial to communicate to employees that their confidentiality is a top priority, creating a culture of trust and openness.

Are there legal obligations for accommodating employees with mental health conditions?

Yes, various laws and regulations require employers to make reasonable accommodations for employees with mental health conditions. It’s crucial to be aware of these obligations and follow them to avoid legal issues. In addition, proactively accommodating employees with mental health conditions not only fulfils legal requirements but also fosters an inclusive and diverse workplace, contributing to overall organisational success.

How can I promote mental health without singling out employees with mental health issues?

Promote mental health as an integral part of overall well-being for all employees. Mental health initiatives should be inclusive and not single out individuals. Training and awareness programs can help reduce stigma. Moreover, incorporating mental health into broader wellness programs and initiatives can normalise the conversation around mental well-being, making it more accessible to everyone.

What role does leadership play in managing anxiety and depression in the workplace?

Leadership sets the tone for the entire organisation. Supportive and empathetic leadership can encourage employees to seek help when needed and contribute to a positive workplace culture. Leadership commitment is essential in fostering an environment where mental health is prioritised. Furthermore, leaders who openly share their commitment to mental health initiatives serve as powerful role models, encouraging employees at all levels to engage in mental health conversations and seek assistance when necessary.

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