Recording and Reporting Accidents and Illness at Work

7th March 2025

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    Duty to record

    Accidents should be recorded as they occur in a company accident book, or through their in-house accident reporting procedure. The recording of such should instigate an investigative process befitting the type of incident.

    Where an incident causes a worker to be away from work, or unable to do their normal work duties, for more than 3 consecutive days, then there is a requirement to record the incident.

    Duty to report

    Company management or self-employed people have a duty to report either an accident, injury, or dangerous occurrence. This stems from the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR).
    RIDDOR puts duties onto these persons to report certain types of work related, or work connected, accidents, i.e.:

    • Work carried out (organised, supervised or performed) by an employer, any employees, or a self-employed person.
    • Work where machinery, plant, substances or equipment was used.
    • If the condition of the workplace contributed to the incident:
      • The state of the structure / fabric of a building or outside area forming part of the workplace.
      • The state and design of floors, paving, stairs, lighting etc.

    What needs reporting?

    • If a fatality occurs (not including a suicide), this needs reporting ASAP. (Regulation 6).
    • If a fatality occurs within a year of an injury at work, where the injury is felt to be the cause of the fatality, then this is reportable as a workplace fatality, ASAP. (Regulation 6).
    • If a specific injury occurs due to the result of a work-related accident, this needs reporting within 10 days. (Regulation 4).
      • Please click here to see the full list of specified injuries.
    • If an employee is incapable of conducting routine duties for more than 7 consecutive days (excluding the day of the accident but including any other days – even normal rest days), which is reportable within 15 days.
      • If a worker’s injury or condition does not become apparent until sometime after the accident, it must be reported as soon as it has prevented them from doing their normal work duties for more than 7 consecutive days.
    • If a non-fatal injury occurs to anyone other than an employee (i.e. customers / volunteers) which results in them being taken directly to hospital for treatment, or if a specified injury occurs to a non-worker on hospital grounds. These should be reported within 10 days. (Regulation 5).

    Examinations and diagnostic tests (e.g. X-rays) do not count. Treatment requires a person having: 

    • A dressing applied.
    • Stitches.
    • A plaster cast.
    • Surgery.

    There is also no need to report incidents where people are taken to hospital purely as a precaution and no injury is apparent.

    Occupational diseases

    Employers and self-employed people must report diagnoses of certain occupational diseases, where likely to have been caused or made worse by their work. These diseases include:

    • Carpal tunnel syndrome.
    • Cramp of the hand or forearm.
    • Occupational dermatitis.
    • Hand-arm vibration syndrome.
    • Occupational asthma.
    • Tendonitis or tenosynovitis of the hand or forearm

    There is more information on reportable occupational diseases.

    Occupational cancers

    Cases of cancer must be reported where there is an established causal link between:

    • The type of cancer diagnosed, and
    • The hazards to which the person has been exposed through work. Such as:
      • Mesothelioma / lung cancer in a person occupationally exposed to asbestos fibres.
      • Cancer of the nasal cavity / sinuses in a person occupationally exposed to wood dust.

    There is more information on reportable carcinogens.

    Biological agents

    All diseases must be reported where there is a causal link between an occupational exposure and a biological agent. “Biological agent” is defined in the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations, as a micro-organism, cell culture, or human endoparasite which may cause infection, allergy, toxicity or other hazard to human health. Exposures to biological agents may happen, due to:

    • An identifiable incident, such as accidentally breaking a laboratory flask, accidental injury with a contaminated syringe needle, or an animal bite.
    • Unidentified incidents, where workers are exposed to the agent without their knowledge, i.e., where a worker is exposed to legionella bacteria during routine maintenance on a hot water service system.

    For more information go to reportable biological agents or infections at work and occupational illnesses associated with biological agents.

    Dangerous occurrences

    A dangerous occurrence is one which “arises out of or in connection with work” and could risk harm to others. HSE has detailed guidance on dangerous occurrences that must be reported under Schedule 2 which explains which sections of the Schedule apply for occurrences at:

    • All workplaces.
    • All workplaces except those offshore.
    • Mines.
    • Quarries.
    • Transport systems.
    • Offshore workplaces.

    To ensure your business does not fall foul of RIDDOR in 2025: 

    • Ensure management are informed of all incidents, they are recorded appropriately, investigated to sufficient degree and reported if required.
    • Provide instruction / training regarding how this is to be done.
    • Formally review first aid needs assessments to allow accidents / injuries to be managed.
    • Provide / refresh training to first aiders and management conducting investigations and compiling reports
    • Keep / update records of all the above processes.