Mental Health Awareness Series – Making the Most of In-Work Rest Breaks

Published 14th May 2019

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Mental Health Awareness Series Top Tip #2

Taking a break is important for mental health as it enables employees to relax and refocus. After taking a break, employees often feel re-energised which can lead to better productivity levels.

Encouraging employees not only to take the rest break(s) they are entitled to during the working day but to make the most of them can have a positive impact on mental health.

Where appropriate, you might wish to consider encouraging employees to:

  • Eat lunch away from their desk/workstation – a change of scene can work wonders
  • Take a walk during their break – spending time in the fresh air can support positive mental health
  • Do an activity they enjoy – this can be a great way to de-stress
  • Set up clubs/interest groups at lunch or break time, such as a crafting or reading group, if you have the facilities. Getting employees together to socialise can help to combat loneliness which has an adverse impact on mental health.

Remember, there are lots of small steps employers can take to help improve mental health in the workplace.

If you have any employment law matters you wish to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact Kingfisher Professional Services Ltd as we are happy to help.