Performance Appraisals – Top Tips

Published 11th January 2020

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New to performance appraisals? They can be a daunting process for managers and employees alike, so if it’s the first time you’re conducting performance appraisals for those you manage here’s some top tips to help things go smoothly.

  • Make sure employees know what to expect in terms of the process

Taking some of the mystery out of performance appraisals can give employees greater confidence in the process and help to prevent issues from arising. If your process is new(ish) or you are looking to do things a little differently this time round communicating with employees in good time so they are prepared is beneficial for your business. Even if the performance appraisal process in your business is well established, a reminder of how it operates can be reassuring.

When it comes to the practicalities, you may wish to think about communicating such things as when it’s likely to take place, how long it’s likely to last and what if anything, employees need to do in preparation.

  • Allow sufficient time for the appraisal

Remember, it’s important to set aside enough time for a performance appraisal to ensure that it is effective, and the employee has the opportunity to participate fully.

  • Try to ensure the meeting is distraction free

Where possible both manager and the employee should take steps to minimise the likelihood of interruptions to enable them to fully focus on the appraisal. This could involve simple steps such as finding an appropriate space to hold a meeting, switching company mobiles to voicemail, closing down emails and setting an appropriate status on team chats.

  • Plan for difficult conversations

If there are performance concerns or areas where improvement is required, it’s helpful for managers to plan ahead regarding how the matter will be approached. How are you going to communicate the assessment to the employee? What is the basis for it? How do you think the employee will react and how best could you handle such a situation? Whilst some appraisal meetings can be difficult, it’s important for managers to remain calm, reasonable and in control of the situation.

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