Embracing Veganism in the Workplace

25th January 2023

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    This blog delves into the realm of adopting veganism within professional settings and explores the remarkable benefits it brings to the table. Beyond just dietary preferences, the concept of veganism encompasses a profound commitment to health, sustainability, and ethical considerations. We will journey through the reasons why companies are choosing to incorporate vegan-friendly practices, the legal implications, and ways to foster a holistic understanding of veganism among employees. 

    By shedding light on the merits and methods of this transformative movement, we aim to illuminate a path towards a more conscious and compassionate work environment that resonates with both employee well-being and the global shift towards sustainability.

    Is Ethical Veganism a Philosophical Belief?

    recent ruling by an employment tribunal has established that ethical veganism can be classified as a protected characteristic under discrimination law. The individual’s ethical veganism, encompassing not only dietary choices but also a broader lifestyle, was deemed a fundamental aspect of his existence. As a result, it met the necessary criteria to be safeguarded as a philosophical belief according to the Equality Act.

    This case carries significant implications for employers, underscoring the importance of equitable treatment for all employees. Staying informed about this case is crucial in ensuring that workplaces remain inclusive and respectful environments for everyone.

    The Case of Casamitjana v The League of Cruel Sports

    In the case of Casamitjana v The League of Cruel Sports, an employee, Mr Jordi Casamitjana, asserted that his dismissal resulted from disclosing concerns about his employer’s pension fund investments in companies involved in animal testing. He contended that his dismissal was linked to his belief in ethical veganism and therefore constituted discrimination. Despite lacking sufficient tenure for a claim of ordinary unfair dismissal, he argued that he faced discrimination due to his philosophical stance.

    The employer, an animal rights advocacy organisation that prides itself on being vegan-friendly, refuted the allegations of discrimination. They asserted that the dismissal was a result of gross misconduct and failure to comply with management directives, unrelated to the employee’s convictions.

    Central to the tribunal’s evaluation was determining if ethical veganism qualifies as a philosophical belief under the Equality Act. The tribunal recognised that ethical veganism satisfied the criteria of a philosophical belief, considering it deeply held, integral to the individual’s life, and in alignment with a democratic society’s values.

    What is a Philosophical Belief Under the Equality Act?

    For a belief to qualify as a philosophical belief, guidance from case law says that it must:

    • Be genuinely held
    • Be a belief as to a weighty and substantial aspect of human life and behaviour
    • Attain a certain level of cogency, seriousness, cohesion and importance
    • Be worthy of respect in a democratic society, not be incompatible with human dignity and not conflict with the fundamental rights of others
    • Have a similar status or cogency to a religious belief

    Kingfisher’s Advice

    Determining whether an employee’s specific beliefs meet the criteria for protection as a philosophical belief will hinge on individual circumstances. Nevertheless, maintaining an environment where all employees are treated fairly and considerately remains crucial.

    Should you require support with any employment law issue, feel free to reach out to our expert HR team. We’re dedicated to providing assistance and guidance tailored to your needs.

    The Benefits of Veganism for Employees and the Environment

    Incorporating veganism within the workplace boasts a plethora of wellness benefits for employees and the environment. Plant-based dietary choices can potentially enhance employees’ overall well-being, fuel their energy levels, and even elevate their productivity by providing essential nutrients. Moreover, it highlights the significant environmental advantages of decreasing meat consumption, aligning this shift with broader sustainability aspirations. By embracing veganism, both employees and the environment stand to gain in terms of health, vitality, and ecological consciousness. 

    Creating a Vegan-Friendly Workplace

    To cultivate inclusivity, organisations can take steps to accommodate vegan employees. Offering a range of diverse menu options that cater to vegan dietary needs during meetings and events is crucial. Moreover, planning vegan-friendly events and activities not only supports employees’ choices but also promotes team bonding. Consider incorporating vegan alternatives into company gatherings and ensuring the availability of plant-based snacks in common areas. By embracing veganism and creating an environment that respects dietary preferences, companies can foster a more inclusive workplace that values the well-being and choices of all employees.

    Overcoming Challenges and Fostering Understanding

    Navigating potential hurdles like misconceptions about veganism and maintaining harmony among employees with varying dietary choices is essential. Encourage open conversations where employees can share their perspectives and learn from one another. Providing educational resources on veganism’s benefits and dispelling myths can promote a more informed workplace. Additionally, consider organising workshops or seminars to foster understanding and respect for diverse dietary preferences. By proactively addressing challenges and facilitating an environment of mutual understanding, companies can strengthen employee relationships and create a culture of acceptance and harmony.


    Incorporating veganism into the workplace offers a host of benefits, ranging from improved employee health and well-being to making a positive impact on the environment. By fostering a vegan-friendly environment, companies not only show their commitment to employees’ health but also contribute to larger sustainability goals. 

    As the awareness of ethical and health-conscious choices grows, organisations are presented with an opportunity to align their values with those of their workforce. From offering diverse menu options to fostering understanding among employees, there are numerous ways to embrace veganism as part of a holistic workplace culture. By doing so, businesses not only support their employees’ choices but also stand as a beacon for a healthier, more compassionate, and eco-friendly future.

    At Kingfisher Professional Services, we understand the evolving landscape of workplace practices, including the integration of veganism. Our expert HR team can guide your organisation in creating a vegan-friendly workplace. With our tailored advice and comprehensive solutions, we are dedicated to assisting you in fostering a culture of inclusivity, well-being, and sustainability in your workplace.


    Is veganism solely about dietary choices, or does it encompass other aspects of lifestyle?

    Veganism is often associated with dietary choices that exclude animal products, but it can also extend to other areas, like clothing and personal care products, to minimise harm to animals and the environment.

    Can employers mandate employees to adopt a vegan diet within the workplace?

    While employers can promote vegan-friendly options, mandating dietary choices may not be appropriate. Encouraging inclusivity and offering varied meal choices can accommodate different preferences.

    Is ethical veganism recognised as a protected philosophical belief in employment law?

    Yes, in some jurisdictions, ethical veganism is legally recognised as a protected philosophical belief. This recognition can impact workplace policies and accommodations.

    What steps can employers take to support vegan employees and create a vegan-friendly workplace?

    Employers can offer diverse plant-based meal options, label foods clearly, and promote an environment of respect for dietary choices. Holding inclusive events and providing education can also help.

    What are the potential benefits of embracing veganism for employee well-being and workplace culture?

    A plant-based diet can lead to improved energy levels, reduced risk of certain health issues, and alignment with sustainability goals, fostering a healthier and more environmentally conscious workplace culture.