We Support Workplace Wellbeing – Stress Awareness Month 2022

Published 31st March 2022

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Stress Awareness Month 202

As this month is Stress Awareness Month 2022, what better time to put this issue on your agenda?

Over recent years employers have become aware of the importance of promoting and supporting mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. Doing your bit to help employees through these difficult times and keeping up momentum is crucial for top performance. Keep it going!



56% of professionals believe mental health initiatives will be scaled back

According to a survey of UK managers and HR professionals conducted before the end of covid-19 restrictions in England, there is a risk that some of the progress that has been made could be lost –  56% of the respondents believed that mental health initiatives would be scaled back when the pandemic came to an end.

Workplace wellbeing supports performance

Now is not the time to stop  – keeping workplace wellbeing as a priority has real benefits for employers and employees alike. It can support performance, reduce absence rates and help with engagement and retention.

What affects Mental Health?

Remember, for some employees these are still challenging times. Mental health can be adversely affected  by many things, such as:

  • bereavement
  • being under financial pressure due to the cost of living crisis
  • experiencing higher levels of worry generally
  • the deterioration of existing mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression

This may impact employees in your organisation.

Stress Awareness Month 2022

Our Workplace Wellbeing series will look at some practical points to help employers manage matters involving mental health & stress in the workplace.

Keep an eye on Linkedin for our next blog which will cover anxiety and depression. In the meantime, if you have an employment law matter you need help with – get in touch.

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