An employer’s guide to additional bank holidays

Published 15th September 2022

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The well-being of employees has taken centre stage in the bustling world of modern employment and is recognised as a pivotal aspect of organisational success. This blog will take you through a strategic avenue for enhancing employee well-being – the addition of extra bank holidays.

As we navigate through the pages ahead, we’ll delve into the significance of employee well-being, explore the role of bank holidays in maintaining work-life balance, and shed light on how extending these breaks can profoundly impact job satisfaction and overall mental health. We’ll unveil a roadmap for designing a well-rounded well-being strategy, ensuring inclusivity and legal compliance, and we’ll delve into the intricacies of effective policy implementation and ways to measure the tangible benefits of this thoughtful approach.

The Significance of Employee Well-being

The significance of employee well-being has surged to the forefront of today’s work landscape. Modern workplaces are increasingly recognising that a thriving workforce is not just a perk but a strategic asset. This shift signifies a fundamental understanding that employee well-being isn’t a luxury – it’s a cornerstone of sustained success.

In this era of heightened awareness, organisations are actively embracing well-being initiatives. These initiatives encompass physical health, mental resilience, and work-life balance, all aimed at nurturing employees’ holistic wellness. This holistic approach translates into tangible benefits, notably enhancing overall productivity. When employees are physically and mentally well, their ability to perform optimally naturally follows suit.

Moreover, employee well-being is intricately woven into the fabric of job satisfaction. Content employees are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and committed. A sense of well-being contributes to a positive work environment, fostering a sense of belonging and purpose.

The impact extends beyond individual job roles, resonating throughout the company. A workforce that feels valued and cared for becomes an influential driver of company success. Ultimately, the significance of employee well-being is not just a trend – it’s an investment that yields returns in the form of productivity, job satisfaction, and an organisation’s overall flourishing.

Bank Holidays and Work-Life Balance

In the UK, Bank holidays are much-anticipated dates that have been circled on the calendar months in advance and hold a crucial role in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. These are special days earmarked by the government when most businesses close, offering a well-deserved break from the regular work routine. In essence, bank holidays are like collective breaths of fresh air amidst the bustling work cycle.

Work-life balance, often hailed as the key to a fulfilling professional journey, hinges on the equilibrium between work commitments and personal time. Bank holidays play a pivotal role in achieving this balance. They provide an opportunity to step away from the office, recharge, and engage in personal pursuits. At Kingfisher Professional Services, we’ve especially found that this separation between work and personal life, amplified by honouring additional bank holidays, positively contributes to reduced stress levels, enhanced mental well-being, and improved job satisfaction.

Beyond Traditional Holidays: The Case for More Bank Holidays

Beyond the well-known celebrations, the case for introducing more bank holidays into the work calendar rests on solid research and compelling benefits for employee well-being. Numerous studies indicate that the inclusion of additional bank holidays can significantly elevate the overall health and satisfaction of the workforce.

Extended breaks from work, such as extra bank holidays, offer more than just a temporary respite. They serve as essential tools to combat the modern challenges of stress and burnout. By providing employees with more time to unwind and recharge, these extended breaks contribute to enhanced mental health. Reduced stress levels translate to improved focus, increased resilience, and a renewed sense of purpose upon returning to work.

Moreover, the positive effects of additional bank holidays ripple beyond individual well-being. A more content and rejuvenated workforce is often a more engaged one, resulting in improved teamwork, creativity, and overall job satisfaction. Employees who experience a healthy work-life balance are better equipped to tackle challenges and perform at their best.

In this ever-evolving professional landscape, acknowledging the case for more bank holidays underscores a proactive approach to nurturing employee well-being. As we delve into the advantages of these extended respites, it becomes evident that their significance extends beyond time off – they become a powerful catalyst for a happier, healthier, and more motivated workforce.

Crafting an Employee-Centric Well-being Strategy

Creating a comprehensive policy for offering extra bank holidays requires careful consideration and clear communication. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you formulate such a policy:

  1. Identify the Purpose and Scope:

Clearly define the objective of introducing additional bank holidays. Determine whether they will be linked to specific events, cultural observances, or purely for enhanced employee well-being. Outline the scope of the policy, including who is eligible, how holidays will be determined, and the overall frequency.

  1. Gather Stakeholder Input:

Involve key stakeholders such as HR professionals, department heads, and even employees in the policy creation process. Their insights can provide valuable perspectives on the potential impact and feasibility of the proposed additional bank holidays.

  1. Align with Legal and Business Considerations:

Ensure the policy aligns with legal regulations and your organisation’s operational needs. Research employment laws related to holidays, leave entitlements, and any other relevant regulations. Additionally, assess the potential impact of additional bank holidays on business operations and make necessary adjustments.

  1. Set Clear Guidelines and Communication:

Detail how the additional bank holidays will be communicated to employees. Specify the process for requesting time off, the notice period, and any restrictions during peak work periods. Provide guidelines on how the holidays will be scheduled to ensure fairness and minimal disruption to business operations.

  1. Monitor and Evaluate:

Once the policy is implemented, establish a system to monitor its effectiveness. Regularly gather feedback from employees to assess their satisfaction and the impact of the extra bank holidays. Use this information to make informed adjustments and improvements to the policy as needed.

By following these steps, you can develop a comprehensive policy that outlines the parameters, benefits, and processes for offering extra bank holidays, contributing to a work environment that prioritises employee well-being and work-life balance.

Successful Implementation and Measuring Impact

Successfully implementing the new bank holiday policy hinges on clear communication and diligent measurement. To ensure a smooth transition, adopt effective communication strategies that detail the rationale behind the policy, eligibility criteria, and the process for requesting time off. Transparent communication fosters understanding and minimises confusion.

Measuring the impact of the policy requires a multi-faceted approach. Regular surveys or feedback sessions can gauge employee satisfaction and perceived benefits of the extra bank holidays. Observe changes in overall engagement levels, as a positive shift may indicate improved well-being. Analysing attendance records and workload distribution can also shed light on the policy’s influence on work dynamics.

By combining meticulous communication with rigorous impact assessment, you create a responsive and adaptive system. This approach not only ensures successful policy integration but also reflects a commitment to cultivating an enriched work environment that places employee well-being at the heart of organisational progress.


In summary, this guide highlights the strategic integration of extra bank holidays isn’t mere time off; it’s an investment in the vitality of employees and the fabric of an organisation. By nurturing work-life balance, we sow the seeds of contentment and heightened productivity. This balance of employee well-being works towards a future where rest and dedication align and both individuals and businesses are able to grow to new heights of success. 

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  1. Why are bank holidays important for employee well-being?

Bank holidays offer dedicated breaks from work, allowing employees to recharge, reduce stress, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. They contribute significantly to overall well-being.

  1. How do additional bank holidays benefit both employees and employers?

Extra bank holidays enhance employee morale, job satisfaction, and mental health, leading to improved engagement and productivity. For employers, a more content and motivated workforce positively impacts company culture and performance.

  1. How can I determine the right number of additional bank holidays to offer?

The number of extra bank holidays should be tailored to your company’s needs and culture. Consider employee feedback, legal requirements, peak work periods, and the desired impact on well-being.

  1. What steps can organisations take to ensure fair distribution of bank holidays?

Fair distribution can be achieved through transparent communication, well-defined eligibility criteria, and a process for requesting time off. Prioritise equal opportunities while considering business needs.

  1. How can I measure the success of the additional bank holiday policy?

Success can be measured through employee surveys, feedback sessions, changes in job satisfaction, engagement levels, and attendance records. These metrics reflect the policy’s impact on overall well-being and workforce dynamics.

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