Do commercial landlords have legal responsibility for asbestos?

Published 31st January 2020

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Asbestos, a once-praised miracle material, cast a long shadow over history due to its connection with severe health risks. In the context of commercial property, it becomes imperative to address the presence of asbestos and the responsibilities that landlords bear in managing it. In this comprehensive guide, we embark on an exploration of the intricate web of legal obligations, regulatory frameworks, and best practices that underpin a commercial landlord’s role in asbestos management. By delving into the multifaceted facets of asbestos duties, we aim to shed light on the measures necessary to ensure occupant safety and compliance with the law, fostering an environment that aligns with modern standards of health and well-being.

Understanding Asbestos: A Closer Look

Before we plunge into the intricacies of legal obligations, let’s take a moment to delve deeper into the nature of asbestos itself. Asbestos, a naturally occurring mineral with remarkable fire-resistant and insulating properties, was heralded as a groundbreaking discovery. However, the same qualities that made it a prized component in construction materials also concealed an insidious danger. Asbestos exists in the form of tiny, nearly invisible fibres that, when disturbed, can become airborne. Inhaling these airborne fibres poses significant health risks, with prolonged exposure potentially leading to debilitating conditions such as asbestosis, lung cancer, and aggressive cancer known as mesothelioma.

Legal Landscape: Asbestos Regulations and Legislation

In recognition of the far-reaching implications of asbestos exposure, governments around the world have instituted strict regulations to govern its handling and management. In the United Kingdom, the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 serve as the cornerstone of the regulatory framework, outlining the duties and responsibilities of duty holders, including commercial landlords. This comprehensive legislation mandates that landlords take a proactive approach to asbestos management. Simultaneously, The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 reinforces the broader obligation for employers and property owners, encompassing landlords, to ensure the safety and well-being of occupants and workers alike.

Asbestos Duties as a Commercial Landlord

The role of a commercial landlord transcends mere property ownership; it involves a profound commitment to the safety and welfare of those within the premises. With regard to asbestos, commercial landlords shoulder a series of vital responsibilities, forming the foundation of their asbestos duties:

Comprehensive Asbestos Survey

A fundamental step in asbestos management involves conducting a meticulous asbestos survey within the commercial property. This survey serves as a systematic means of identifying asbestos-containing materials (ACMs), which must be meticulously documented in an asbestos register.

Thorough Risk Assessment

Following the identification of ACMs, landlords must perform a comprehensive risk assessment. This evaluation entails gauging the likelihood of fibres being released and assessing the potential for exposure. The results of this assessment guide subsequent management decisions.

Strategic Management Plan 

Armed with insights from the risk assessment, landlords must construct a robust asbestos management plan. This plan is a strategic blueprint, delineating procedures for safe handling, meticulous labelling, and vigilant monitoring of ACMs, all with the overarching goal of minimising the risk of exposure.

Effective Information Dissemination

Communication is pivotal. Commercial landlords must ensure that all relevant parties, including tenants, contractors, and other stakeholders, are informed about the presence of asbestos. Transparent communication plays a pivotal role in ensuring that all individuals are aware of potential risks and adhere to safety protocols.

Continual Monitoring and Review

Asbestos management is an ongoing endeavour. Landlords are tasked with periodically revisiting and revising their asbestos management plans to account for any changes in property usage or conditions that may impact the risk assessment.

Safe Removal and Remediation

When ACMs are damaged, require maintenance, or necessitate removal, landlords must engage qualified professionals to oversee these processes. Proper removal and remediation procedures are crucial to prevent the inadvertent release of asbestos fibres during activities that might disturb the materials.

Best Practices for Asbestos Management

Compliance with asbestos regulations and the protection of occupants’ well-being necessitates a proactive approach to asbestos management. Here are several best practices that commercial landlords should consider:

  • Empowerment through Education: Ensuring that property management staff are well-versed in identifying potential ACMs and equipped to handle them safely is paramount. Knowledgeable personnel serve as a frontline defence against inadvertent exposure.
  • Routine and Rigorous Inspections: Regular inspections constitute a vital component of effective asbestos management. By consistently monitoring the condition of ACMs, landlords can swiftly identify any signs of deterioration or damage, preempting potential risks.
  • Vigilant Record Keeping: The importance of maintaining detailed records cannot be overstated. Documentation of asbestos surveys, risk assessments, management plans, and any removal or remediation activities is instrumental in establishing a comprehensive history of asbestos management efforts.
  • Collaboration with Accredited Experts: Engaging the services of licensed and experienced asbestos professionals is non-negotiable. From surveys to assessments, removal, or remediation, these experts play an indispensable role in ensuring adherence to regulations and the safe handling of asbestos.
  • Cultivating Tenant Engagement: Establishing an open channel of communication with tenants regarding asbestos-related matters is a proactive step. Encouraging tenants to report any damage to materials and ensuring they comprehend their responsibilities in maintaining a safe environment fosters a collective commitment to safety.


In the realm of commercial property management, the question of whether commercial landlords possess a legal responsibility for asbestos is not only a legal inquiry but a matter of ethical significance. The multifaceted nature of asbestos duties emphasises the pivotal role that commercial landlords play in preserving the health and well-being of those within their properties. By acquainting themselves with the legal landscape, adhering to regulations, and adopting best practices, commercial landlords can honour their obligations, champion safety, and contribute to the creation of an environment that reflects the highest standards of care. Asbestos management extends beyond a legal obligation; it embodies a profound commitment to safeguarding lives, upholding responsibility, and embracing a culture of well-being in the commercial property domain. If you are looking for more asbestos advice and would like to speak with a member of our expert professional team, please give us a call at 0333 996 0666 or head to our website to learn more.


  1. What is asbestos, and why is it a concern for commercial landlords?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was once widely used in construction materials for its fire-resistant and insulating properties. However, when disturbed, asbestos fibres can become airborne and pose serious health risks when inhaled. Commercial landlords need to be aware of asbestos in their properties to ensure the safety and well-being of occupants and to comply with legal regulations.

  1. What are the legal obligations of commercial landlords regarding asbestos?

Commercial landlords have a legal responsibility to identify, assess, and manage asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) within their properties. This includes conducting asbestos surveys, risk assessments, and creating comprehensive management plans. Landlords must also inform tenants, contractors, and relevant parties about the presence of asbestos and take necessary actions to minimise the risk of exposure.

  1. How can commercial landlords identify asbestos in their properties?

Commercial landlords can identify asbestos through thorough asbestos surveys conducted by qualified professionals. These surveys involve inspecting the property to locate and assess the condition of ACMs. The results are then compiled in an asbestos register, which provides crucial information about the location, condition, and risk level of asbestos-containing materials.

  1. What are the potential health risks associated with asbestos exposure?

Asbestos exposure can lead to serious health conditions, including asbestosis (a chronic lung disease), lung cancer, and mesothelioma (a rare and aggressive cancer). The risks are particularly high when asbestos fibres are disturbed and become airborne, allowing them to be inhaled. It’s essential for commercial landlords to manage asbestos to prevent potential health hazards for tenants, employees, and visitors.

  1. Can commercial landlords handle asbestos management internally, or do they need to hire professionals?

While some aspects of asbestos management, such as regular inspections and tenant communication, can be handled internally, certain tasks require the expertise of licensed professionals. Asbestos surveys, risk assessments, removal, and remediation should be carried out by qualified individuals who have the necessary training and equipment to ensure compliance with regulations and the safety of all parties involved.

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