Support your Staff: How to Implement Flexible Working Hours for Parents

Published 30th August 2019

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A parent juggles her child and workload.

In today’s ever-evolving corporate landscape, it’s imperative for employers to be attuned to the shifting priorities of their workforce. One of these priorities, especially among parents, is achieving a balanced work-life equation. The surge in statutory flexible working and its subsequent requests underscores this trend, placing a significant responsibility on employers. This article provides concise, unequivocal insights for employers on the facts and choices they need to make regarding flexible working, emphasising the employer’s ability to say “no” when necessary.

Key Considerations for Employers

Eligibility for Statutory Flexible Working Requests

Employees with continuous service of at least 26 weeks possess the right to make statutory flexible working requests. Employers should note that only one request can be made by an employee in any 12-month period, with the timeframe starting from the date of the first request.

Types of Requests

Employees can seek changes in their work hours, work times, or work location. The right to request flexible working allows for various adjustments to working patterns, such as transitioning from full-time to part-time or working remotely.

Grounds for Request

Employees can request flexible working for any reason they deem suitable.

The Employer’s Right to Refuse

Employers do have the authority to refuse a flexible working request, provided they have valid reasons based on specific statutory grounds:

  • The burden of additional costs.
  • Detrimental effect on the ability to meet customer demands, quality, or performance.
  • Inability to reorganise work among existing staff or recruit additional staff.
  • Insufficiency of work during the proposed working periods.
  • Planned structural changes.

Employers should exercise due diligence in considering each request and seek professional advice if they intend to refuse, as employees can file complaints with an employment tribunal. Additionally, discrimination concerns, such as indirect sex discrimination, may arise depending on the circumstances.

Handling Flexible Working Requests

Employers must promptly and reasonably consider each flexible working request they receive. Typically, this involves initiating a formal flexible working meeting with the employee. Expert guidance is advisable for navigating this process, including the provision of appropriate documentation and guidance.

Support Your Business: The Power to Say “No”

As an employer, you possess the authority to say “no” to a flexible working request, provided you have valid reasons aligned with statutory grounds. Kingfisher Professional Services can guide you through the complexities of handling such requests and assist you in delivering clear reasons to employees when a request is denied.

Empowering Employers to Support Flexible Working

The role of an employer in promoting flexible working hours is pivotal for fostering a thriving, inclusive work environment. Cultivating a supportive culture where the diverse needs of employees are embraced is essential. Encouraging open conversations around flexible arrangements promotes mutual respect and acceptance, making every team member feel valued.

Clear, comprehensive flexible work policies are equally crucial. Transparency within these policies establishes a foundation for harmonious implementation, ensuring employees have a solid grasp of the parameters.

Technology plays a significant role in enabling the success of flexible working arrangements. Tools like remote collaboration software, video conferencing, and project management platforms bridge physical distances, facilitating seamless teamwork regardless of location. Effective management of remote work becomes achievable through purpose-built applications that facilitate project tracking, virtual meetings, and task management.

Embracing flexible working hours is more than a gesture; it signifies a commitment to nurturing a progressive, employee-centric workspace. 

By fostering a culture of understanding, crafting clear policies, and leveraging technology, organisations create an atmosphere where both professional success and personal well-being can harmoniously coexist.

Measuring Success and Planning for the Future

In the journey towards flexible working hours, measuring success and planning for the future are vital phases and present both benefits and challenges. Rather than fixating solely on hours spent, focusing on performance through tangible outcomes becomes crucial. This shift ensures that the quality of work remains paramount, inspiring a culture of productivity.

Implementing feedback loops, including consistent check-ins and thoughtful adjustments, is essential. These regular interactions provide a platform for employees to voice their experiences, concerns, and suggestions. Such open dialogues enable the fine-tuning of existing arrangements, guaranteeing a harmonious work structure that thrives on effective communication.

Looking ahead, scaling up flexible working options emerges as a strategic move. As the organisation becomes more adept at managing these arrangements, expanding flexibility across departments ensures long-term success. This phased approach caters to diverse roles and cements the organisation’s commitment to a dynamic, modern work ethos.

Measuring success and foreseeing adaptations is not merely a process; it is a testament to an organisation’s adaptability and responsiveness to an evolving work landscape. By prioritising results, fostering open communication, and scaling up effectively, an organisation cements its position as a forward-thinking, employee-centric workplace.


The ability to navigate flexible working is a strategic advantage for employers in today’s dynamic corporate landscape. Embracing this paradigm shift while understanding the employer’s authority to refuse requests when necessary underscores the employer’s role in shaping a productive, inclusive work environment. By accommodating the diverse needs of their workforce, businesses can enhance contentment, productivity, and loyalty. This transformative journey towards flexibility signifies a shift in workplace culture, where understanding, adaptability, and empathy are paramount. As employers, let’s embrace this evolution, creating a thriving environment where work and personal life coexist harmoniously, ensuring both personal fulfilment and professional success.


  1. How can an employer support flexible working for employees? Employers can support flexible working by initiating open conversations about individual needs, exploring flexible options like part-time hours, remote work, or compressed schedules, and establishing clear policies and equitable workload distribution. Additionally, fostering a culture of flexibility can lead to a more motivated and loyal workforce.
  2. What are the benefits of promoting flexible working for employers? Promoting flexible working benefits employers by boosting productivity, engagement, and retention. It also fosters a diverse and inclusive work culture, attracting top talent and fostering innovation. Furthermore, it can enhance the company’s reputation as an employer of choice in a competitive market.
  3. How can employers ensure fair treatment between flexible and non-flexible employees? Employers must establish clear policies that ensure equitable treatment for all employees. Transparent communication about expectations and workload distribution, regardless of flexibility, is crucial. Regular check-ins and feedback loops help maintain fairness, ultimately promoting a harmonious and collaborative workplace.
  4. How can technology aid flexible working for employers? Technology enables remote collaboration and efficient communication. Tools like video conferencing, project management software, and cloud storage facilitate seamless teamwork, allowing employees to balance work and personal responsibilities. Furthermore, embracing technology can enhance operational efficiency and streamline processes, benefiting the organisation as a whole.
  5. How can an employer adapt and expand flexible working options? Employers can gradually scale flexible options across departments based on successful implementation. Gathering feedback, analysing outcomes, and adjusting policies ensure the approach aligns with company goals while fostering a supportive and adaptable work environment. Additionally, considering phased expansion and tailored solutions for different teams can optimise the overall impact of flexible working on the organisation’s success.

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