National Sickie Day

Published 4th February 2022

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First Monday in February is dubbed ‘National Sickie Day’ because it's the day when most employees are likely to call in sick.

The first Monday in February has been dubbed ‘National Sickie Day’ as it has often been the day when most employees are likely to call in sick.

This is down to many factors ranging from seasonal illness, ‘winter blues’ a ‘heavy weekend’ following what for some is the first payday since Christmas, and even the odd sneaky job interview.


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What should I do if my employee calls in sick today?

Follow your usual sickness absence process and hold a return-to-work interview with the employee when they are back (for employees who are home-based, this can be done remotely).

Bear in mind that whilst ‘National Sickie Day’ hints at employees ‘pulling a sickie’, they can genuinely be ill on this day so it’s important not to jump to conclusions if absences do occur.

If you have a good reason for suspecting that an employee’s absence isn’t for genuine reasons, you should call Kingfisher Professional for advice on the facts of your case.

If you are looking to tackle sickness absence in your organisation or have another employment law matter you would like assistance with, please do not hesitate to contact us as we are happy to help.


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