Will AI replace my job?

Published 20th July 2023

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Some Hollywood writers and actors think so with concerns mounting about how generative artificial intelligence tools could change or replace their roles.

Some Hollywood writers and actors think so with concerns mounting about how generative artificial intelligence tools could change or replace their roles.

Such concerns have played a part in the Hollywood actors strike which will see the industry’s biggest shutdown for decades. One of the things the Screen Actors Guild is seeking is a guarantee that AI and computer-generated faces and voices will not be used to replace actors.

Is AI coming for your job?

Look closer to home and many businesses are likely to find similar concerns amongst their own staff – worries about becoming redundant, sweeping changes being made to their work or the way it’s done or even fears that they won’t be able to keep pace with technological changes in the workplace.

If you work in HR you may not be immune to such concerns yourself: I am Not a Robot – Is Artificial Intelligence the End for HR?

Set against this background many HR professionals and senior managers will be seriously considering what steps they can take right now to ensure they are well prepared to support their business on its AI journey –  whatever that may look like. Here are three things to have on your HR action plan.


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1. Think about communication and your company culture

You may find that your employees want to start a dialogue about the use of AI. Some may be keen to use it or could even be using it now without your knowledge – Here are five ways your employees are using AI – others may be coming to you with questions or concerns.

Thinking ahead to how you will handle such conversations, what the company position will be regarding common scenarios, and how to appropriately support and manage concerned employees can help things to go more smoothly.

2. Brush up on your change management knowledge

For some businesses, the proposed introduction of AI in the workplace could mean possible redundancies or a proposal to significantly change employees’ job roles or terms and conditions.

It’s important to make sure you are prepared to handle such situations in case they arise as it can be all too easy to make a misstep.

In most cases, it will be necessary not only to act fairly and appropriately but also to follow the correct procedure if successful tribunal claims are to be avoided.

Looking for an introduction to managing redundancies or changing terms and conditions? Read our articles on how to change your employee’s terms & conditions and how to build a redundancy business case.

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3. Explore training and support options

Training and support will be key to help protect your business, enable employees to get the most out of using any permitted AI, and do so appropriately with skill and confidence.

Identifying potential training needs early on and being aware of training options available to your business can help you to move more quickly to put in place the measures your business needs.

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