Preventing and managing sickness absence is high on the priority list for many businesses. It’s no surprise as sickness absence can have a significant impact, whether it’s lost productivity, operational difficulties or simply the cost to management time.
Many businesses want to tackle this area but when it comes to doing so, find they have more questions than answers.
The number of working days lost because of sickness or injury was an estimated 185.6 million working days in 2022, a new record high according to Office of National Statistics (ONS) figures[1].
It will come as no surprise that sickness absence can be costly to businesses – not least due to loss of productivity, finding staff cover, and the cost of sick pay.
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When it comes to sickness absence, prevention is better than cure.
Taking a few simple steps can help to reduce the likelihood of high levels of sickness absence occurring.
They can also help to put your business in a better position to manage any sickness absence issues that do occur.
Policies and procedures
Reducing internal risk factors
Return to work interviews
Management training
Yes – having a long-term sickness absence policy will support your business in effectively and appropriately managing such a situation if it arises.
It sets out the framework for managing long-term sickness, usually including preliminary actions, facilitation of a return to work, and a fair procedure for dismissal (where this is the appropriate course of action).
Find out more about our policy and procedure services for your business, and have your long-term sickness absence policy or any other company policy reviewed by our expert contract drafting team.
This is probably one of the most common questions businesses have when it comes to long-term sickness absence.
If you’ve been struggling to find the answer that’s because, for employment law purposes, there is no exact definition as to what ‘long-term sickness absence’ is.
Generally, it’s reasonable to consider an employee to have been sick long-term if they have been off work for around two months or more.
It will come as no surprise that there are many causes of long term sick leave. Figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) show that the most common reasons for sickness absence generally in 2022 (the latest figures available at the time of writing) are:
With this information in mind, you may wish to think about what you can do as a business to support your people in relation to these areas.
For example, is there more your business can do to support good mental health in the workplace?
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This can be tricky for businesses not only because it’s easy to make an error but because the individual facts and circumstances of each case need to be taken into consideration.
This will often influence what is reasonable and appropriate action to take and when.
As some employees who are on long-term sick leave will meet the legal definition for disability in the Equality Act, it’s important to be alert to issues of discrimination and to be aware of the duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled employees.
In broad outline, the initial steps of a long-term sickness absence process commonly involve:
It’s vital to seek advice on the facts of the situation you are managing prior to taking any action, particularly if you are considering dismissal as there are a number of matters to consider.
Long-term sickness absence process sounds too time-consuming or cumbersome? Get in touch to discuss more commercial options, such as our settlement agreement service for employers.
The exact nature of the matters you will need to discuss and the questions to ask will depend on where in the sickness absence process you are and the individual facts and circumstances of the situation you are facing.
However, there are some general points that you may wish to bear in mind:
It isn’t so much a case of whether you can dismiss an employee on long term sickness but whether on the facts of your particular case, it will be safe to do so, and if it isn’t, what your business’s appetite for risk is.
If your business is looking to safely dismiss an employee on long term sickness for capability reasons, you will need to consider whether the dismissal would be fair and reasonable in the circumstances and whether a fair procedure has been followed.
It will also be important to make sure that it is non-discriminatory and that there aren’t any other claims the employee could successfully bring, such as a failure to make reasonable adjustments if they are disabled.
There’s a lot to think about if you are considering dismissing an employee who is on long term sickness absence and it’s important to be aware that it can be costly to get it wrong.
This is particularly so in relation to discrimination as it is a claim that can be brought from day one of employment and there is no limit on the amount an employment tribunal can award a successful claimant.
Reach out for business-focused expert help before taking action.
Do you have a genuine redundancy situation?
If you don’t have a genuine redundancy situation, for example, you are considering making an employee redundant because you think it might be quicker than managing the absence or kinder, this could land your business in hot water.
You could for example find that your employee complains that they have been unfairly dismissed as the redundancy is a ‘sham’ or that they have been discriminated against.
An employee being on long term sickness absence won’t usually prevent you from appropriately dealing with a redundancy situation if you have one.
It will however need careful handling if you wish to protect your business. Issues such as appropriate selection pools, scoring, and reasonable adjustments are likely to need to be considered.
When it comes to redundancies, the planning stage is vital, if you think you need to propose a redundancy in your business, read our redundancy management advice and follow it up with one of our experts.
When it comes to statutory rights these are generally the same as if the employee was at work.
For example, they will still have protection from being unfairly dismissed (subject to a two-year qualifying service requirement for ordinary unfair dismissal) and they have the right not to be discriminated against or harassed from day one of their employment.
Furthermore, if they are disabled there can be an obligation on your business to make reasonable adjustments in some situations.
Need some help managing an employee on long term sickness absence? Have a question about an area such as long term sickness absence and holiday? We’re here to help, let us know what’s on your mind.
It can be all too easy to make a misstep when managing long-term sickness absence. Whilst mistakes can take many forms, here are some common ones that are easily avoidable:
There’s no substitute for effective fact-specific business advice when you manage sickness absence in the workplace.
Don’t let a lack of appropriate support hold your business back, get in touch for 15 minutes of free advice.
[1] Office for National Statistics (ONS), released 26 April 2023, ONS website, article, Sickness absence in the UK labour market: 2022
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