The Cost of Losing a Discrimination Claim

24th March 2023

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Losing a discrimination claim can be costly, here’s some fast facts your business needs to know when it comes to discrimination compensation.

How does discrimination compensation work?

In outline, if an employee is found to have been discriminated against an employment tribunal can award compensation for injury to feelings. This is compensation for the hurt and upset the employee has suffered.

Since it is difficult to quantify hurt and upset, there is guidance in place for how much compensation may be awarded in respect of injury to feelings. This works by categorising the discrimination into bands with an upper and lower limit, the tribunal identifies the band it considers the discrimination falls into and makes an award within the limits for that band. The limits on these bands are changing.

What are the new Vento bands?

These are:

  • Lower band £1,200 to £11,700
  • Middle band £11,700 to £35,200
  • Upper band £35,200 to £58,700
  • Exceptional cases + £58,700

The limits on the bands will change for claims presented in April 2025 so make sure you keep up to date with any changes.

Navigate the complexities of Employment Law with our commercial advice.Click HereBuild a bespoke interactive course for your management team, covering key HR areas.Click HereAvoid unnecessary wastage of management time with our professional help when defending tribunal claims.Click Here

What can I do to protect my business from successful discrimination and harassment claims?

The starting point is to think about how to prevent such events from occurring, if you haven’t already done so think about taking steps such as:

  • Clearly communicating that this sort of conduct is not tolerated and the potential consequences for it
  • Putting in place appropriate equal opportunities and anti-harassment policies
  • Ensuring your employees and managers have had appropriate discrimination and harassment training and that it is kept up to date. We can help, take a look at our training page.

Received a complaint about discrimination or harassment in your workplace? Our commercially focussed advice can help you navigate the situation.

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